Top "Webserver" questions

A software application that services requests from clients using the Hypertext Transfer Protocol.

Automatically load a config.php file for all pages before anything else

Does anyone know how to set up something where a specific file can be loaded automatically for all pages before …

php include webserver configuration-files
Use HttpListener for a production caliber web server?

Is it realistic to use the C# .Net class HttpListener as the foundation for a production caliber web server? The …

c# .net webserver httplistener
Memory requirements for WildFly

I never found an official documentation about it and I generally install WildFly 8.x on servers with, at least, 4GB. …

memory jboss webserver wildfly wildfly-8
How to write data to the web server from iPhone application?

I am looking forward for posting some data and information on the web server through my iPhone application. I am …

ios iphone webserver webservice-client
WireGuard not connecting to the Internet

WireGuard server seems not to be forwarding connection to the Internet. I tried re-installing from scratch Wireguard on both my …

server webserver vpn wireguard
Some fundamental but important questions about web development?

I've developed some web-based applications till now using PHP, Python and Java. But some fundamental but very important questions are …

webserver cpu-usage
machine.config processModel autoConfig="true or false" for Explicit values in .net 4.0

Hi I want to update processModel of my Server's machine.config file. Currently its value is as below: <system.…

c# webserver iis-8 machine.config
Security in Node.JS Webserver

So, I'm in the middle of learning my way around Node.JS, and so far I'm loving it. I've got …

javascript security http node.js webserver
Protect yourself against Dos attacks

This might be something more suited for Serverfault, but many webdevelopers who come only here will probably benefit from possible …

webserver protection denial-of-service
Expires header for Facebook JS SDK and Google Analytics

We all know adding a far-future expiration date to static resources is a good practice to increase our websites' page …

facebook google-analytics webserver pagespeed expires-header