Memory requirements for WildFly

cassiomolin picture cassiomolin · Nov 4, 2014 · Viewed 8.8k times · Source

I never found an official documentation about it and I generally install WildFly 8.x on servers with, at least, 4GB.

How much memory should my server have in order to run a WildFly instance?

Is there a minimum recommended?


Alexis Hassler picture Alexis Hassler · Nov 9, 2014

The minimum value of Xmx is the one that let you start an empty instance of WildFly. On my try, it is 24 MB. There is no other valid value for a minimal Xmx. 4g is a totally arbitrary value. It's absolutely depending on your application, on the number of user,...

You have to run a stress test on your application and measure the memory. It is the only way to know the minimum for your application.