Top "Webserver" questions

A software application that services requests from clients using the Hypertext Transfer Protocol.

Where is the web server root directory on Angstrom Linux (BeagleBoard | BeagleBone)?

I'm trying to find the default web server directory on my BeagleBone with Angstrom Linux. That is, where are the …

webserver port beagleboard angstrom-linux
Interpreted vs. Compiled Languages for Web Sites (PHP, ASP, Perl, Python, etc.)

I build database-driven web sites. Previously I have used Perl or PHP with MySQL. Now I am starting a big …

php webserver compiled interpreted-language
How can I set up SSH tunneling to access a webserver behind a firewall?

How would I access a webserver behind a firewall? I'm developing an application for this webserver which is not yet …

ssh webserver remote-debugging putty tunneling
Nginx allow only root and api locations

I have a server configured as a reverse proxy to my server. I want to reject all the requests except …

nginx webserver web-hosting access-control nginx-location
How to assign hostname to the web server?

I am using lighttpd as my webserver. Currently I am accessing it using the IP address as : I want …

webserver ip-address lighttpd hostname
Publish and stop endpoint web service in Java

I am trying to start/stop an Endpoint web service in a separate thread from my main program with the …

java eclipse webserver endpoint
How do you scale HTTP server like Google?

I often marvel at how I can go to, from anywhere in the world at any time, …

http webserver scalability
Apache virtualhosts and default server not working as expected (serving incorrect content)

I've been playing around with this for a couple of hours and have come to the conclusion that asking someone …

apache2 webserver virtualhost centos5
GoLang http webserver provide video (mp4)

I developed a webserver using golang. Pretty plane stuff, it just provides html/js/css and images which works perfectly …

http go webserver html5-video mp4
Can a PHP script abort itself or detect abortion?

PHP scripts can continue executing after the HTTP page request, so how do I finally stop it executing when I'm …

php http scripting webserver abort