Top "Nginx-location" questions

Questions related to nginx location directive should use this tag.

How can I have same rule for two locations in NGINX config?

How can I have same rule for two locations in NGINX config? I have tried the following server { location /first/…

nginx nginx-location
nginx location 404 not found

Here are my nginx configure files. On the default.conf, the first location is used to access /usr/share/nginx/…

nginx location http-status-code-404 nginx-location nginx-config
Nginx location matches

What is the difference between: location = /abc {} and locaton ~ /abc {}

nginx nginx-location
Nginx - location with root in other directory and PHP

I tried to set a location similar as "Apache Alias" with Nginx but I don't able to process PHP script …

php nginx nginx-location
How to use Nginx Regexp in the location

The web project have static content into the some /content/img folder. The url rule is: /img/{some md5} but …

regex nginx nginx-location
NGINX command not found

NGINX was built from source using the latest stable build on a debian 9 server. sudo nginx command cannot be found. …

nginx nginx-location
Docker Nginx Angular2/Angular routes

I have an Angular2/Angular app running inside a docker container and using nginx to serve it. So my app …

angular nginx docker nginx-location
How to control NGINX 'Location' directive matching order?

I'm trying to optimize my 'location' directives and cannot find a good way of determining if a specific location match …

nginx url-rewriting nginx-location
How does if condition work inside location block in nginx conf?

I have read I want to check if my rails …

nginx nginx-location
NGINX Reverse Proxy and Access-Control-Allow-Origin issue

I'm configuring an NGINX Reverse Proxy. On the browser I go to: client url: Then the …

nginx reverse-proxy nginx-location nginx-reverse-proxy nginx-status