Top "Video-tracking" questions

Tracking a moving object or feature (e.g. a face) in video input.

Simple OpenCV project - detecting and tracking a tennis ball

I have a project where I need to use OpenCV to detect an object (Tennis Ball) on a webcam, and …

opencv object-detection video-tracking
People Detection and Tracking

I want to do pedestrian detection and tracking. Input: Video Stream from CCTV camera. Output: #(no of) people going from …

opencv image-processing computer-vision object-detection video-tracking
What does size and response exactly represent in a SURF keypoint?

I'm using OpenCV 2.3 for keypoints detection and matching. But I am a bit confused with the size and response parameters …

opencv feature-detection surf template-matching video-tracking
Compare two bounding boxes with each other Matlab

I have two the co-ordinates of two bounding boxes, one of them is the groundtruth and the other is the …

matlab image-processing computer-vision video-tracking
Tracking multiple moving objects with KalmanFilter in OpenCV/C++ - How to assign tracks individually to detected objects

I am working on realtime movement detection and object tracking in OpenCV/C++ and am currently stuck at the tracking …

c++ opencv matlab-cvst kalman-filter video-tracking
OpenCV Human Body Tracking

Hi I am new to OpenCV and I am trying to implement human body tracking using a camera placed on …

c++ opencv object-detection video-tracking
Color tracking using EMGUcv

I am trying to make an colored object tracker which uses a binary image and blob detector to follow the …

c# video-processing emgucv video-tracking
OpenCV Optical Flow assertion

I'm attempting to track landmarks along the contour of facial features obtained via dsift with python 2.7 and openCV 2.4.11. I want …

python opencv video-tracking