OpenCV Human Body Tracking

user2900552 picture user2900552 · Oct 20, 2013 · Viewed 11.9k times · Source

Hi I am new to OpenCV and I am trying to implement human body tracking using a camera placed on a fixed position. I did a bit of a research and I came across Histogram of Oriented Gradients method but based on my understanding what it does is detection instead of tracking. Therefore I was wondering what is the simplest way to implement human detection and tracking on OpenCV?

P/S: I found this video and it is precisely what I wanted to achieve.


samkhan13 picture samkhan13 · Oct 27, 2013

you can also try using a HAAR cascade for human body detection. just load the cascade using CascadeClassifier::CascadeClassifier() and then use CascadeClassifier::detectMultiScale() to obtain the regions within the given image where the object (body) was detected. adjust the parameters given to detectMultiScale() to speed up and increase accuracy of detection.

you can find a bunch of cascades here including one for body detection.

have a look at these SO posts: