Top "Template-matching" questions

Template matching is the process of finding a smaller known template image in another larger image.

scale and rotation Template matching

I'm using the method of match template with CV_TM_CCORR_NORMED to compare two images ... I want to make …

c++ image-processing opencv computer-vision template-matching
Real-time template matching - OpenCV, C++

I am trying to implement real-time tracking using templates. I wish to update the template with every frame. The main …

c++ opencv image-processing computer-vision template-matching
OpenCV Template Matching example in Android

I'm a beginner to OpenCV. I'm trying to do a sample android application to match a template image in a …

java android c++ opencv template-matching
OpenCV template matching and transparency

What's the way OpenCV handles transparency in image during template matching? The problem is that the template image needs to …

image-processing opencv computer-vision template-matching
Object Tracking in EmguCV

I am building an object tracking program that should track the unknown object. The user must select a region in …

c# opencv emgucv template-matching
OpenCV performance on template matching

I'm trying to do template matching basically on java. I used straightforward algorithm to find match. Here is the code: …

java image templates opencv template-matching
What does size and response exactly represent in a SURF keypoint?

I'm using OpenCV 2.3 for keypoints detection and matching. But I am a bit confused with the size and response parameters …

opencv feature-detection surf template-matching video-tracking
Fastest method for calculating convolution

Anybody know about the fastest method for calculating convolution? Unfortunately the matrix which I deal with is very large (500x500…

c++ matlab signal-processing convolution template-matching
Processing an image of a table to get data from it

I have this image of a table (seen below). And I'm trying to get the data from the table, similar …

python image opencv ocr template-matching
Matlab Template Matching Using FFT

I am struggling with template matching in the Fourier domain in Matlab. Here are my images (the artist is RamalamaCreatures …

matlab image-processing fft template-matching cross-correlation