Top "Template-matching" questions

Template matching is the process of finding a smaller known template image in another larger image.

Maxvalue in cv2.minMaxLoc()?

I'm having a bit of trouble with opencv and template matching, so I was hoping someone here could help a …

python opencv numpy computer-vision template-matching
What is the OpenCV template matching Max Min value range ? Need to be used as a theshold / c++/java

I am creating a simple openCV application using template matching where I need to compare find a small image in …

java c++ opencv image-processing template-matching
How to align two images based on a common feature with matchTemplate

I have two images which overlap. I'd like to align these two images. My current approach is to find a …

python opencv opencv3.0 template-matching
Template matching algorithms

Please suggest any template matching algorithms, which are independent of size and rotation. (any source codes as examples if possible …

algorithm image-processing computer-vision template-matching
Template match - different sizes of template and image

I have an image, which I can obtain at better quality (e.g. higher size). The problem is that I …

opencv computer-vision template-matching