Top "Vi" questions

vi is a family of text mode-oriented text editors.

Any way to delete in vim without overwriting your last yank?

I love vim, but one common gotcha is: yank a line go to where you would like to paste it …

vim vi
Execute a script directly within vim/mvim/gvim

TextMate has a nice feature that allows you to execute a script from within the current context and shows you …

vim vi macvim
Move cursor x lines from current position in vi/vim

Is there a way to move the cursor a relative amount of lines in vi/vim? Say you have the …

vim vi
Search and replace in VIM results in trailing characters

This is what I am attempting to do: %s/Article/<h2>Article</h2>/gi Unfortunately, every …

linux vim command-line-arguments vi
Getting the current row number?

Is there any key mapping that outputs the current row number of the line being edited? Or, even better yet, …

vi vim
how to change editor behavior in intellij idea

I have installed IntelliJIdea 14.0.2 just now. I do not know its default editor but it is opening my source files …

vim intellij-idea sublimetext vi ideavim
How to copy and paste between different tmux panes running vim instances

Example: copy in one tmux pane (via vim), then switch to another pane (running another vim instance) and paste using …

vim vi tmux
How can I permanently display the path of the current file in Vim?

I know CTRLg displays the current file you're working on. Is there a way to modify my .vimrc such that …

vim vi
Removing BOM characters using Java

What needs to happen to a string using Java to be an equivalent of vis :set nobomb Assume that BOM …

java vi byte-order-mark
Confusion about vim folding - how to disable?

When I open the file it looks like this: or even this When I open all folds, they are closed …

vim vi folding