Top "Ideavim" questions

IdeaVim is a vim emulation plug-in for IDEs based on the IntelliJ platform.

how to change editor behavior in intellij idea

I have installed IntelliJIdea 14.0.2 just now. I do not know its default editor but it is opening my source files …

vim intellij-idea sublimetext vi ideavim
Is there a way to get IdeaVIM to honor the mappings from my .vimrc file?

I've recently gotten into vim in a big way (again), and I now have a ton of customization in my .…

vim ideavim
Intellij IdeaVim change keys

I would really like to be able to use IdeaVIM but I am unable to figure out where I can …

intellij-idea vim ideavim
Intellij IDEA with ideavim. Cannot copy text from another source

I tried to copy text from IDEA with ideavim plugin, using default vim keybindings (y). But this text isn't copied …

intellij-idea copy buffer ideavim
How can I use vim plugins with Ideavim?

I would like to use Tim Pope's vim surround plugin in my Pycharm IDE. I've been using the IdeaVim plugin …

vim intellij-idea pycharm vim-plugin ideavim
Shortcut key to indent a block of text with IdeaVim and Phpstorm

Without IdeaVim in PhpStorm, the tab key can be used to indent a selected block of text. However, I'm interested …

phpstorm indentation ideavim
Escape to IntelliJ IDEA shortcuts from IdeaVim

I'm used to both vim and IntelliJ default hotkeys. I'd like to not to have to change any of them …

vim intellij-idea ideavim
How do I tell IntelliJ IdeaVim to re-source the .ideavimrc

I made some changes to my .ideavimrc and I want IntelliJ IdeaVim to reload the file. I can obviously close …

intellij-idea ideavim
ideavim how to navigate to declaration / implementation of a method?

I was reading: . When my cursor is on a method how do I …

intellij-idea ideavim
Where i can find .ideavimrc file of ideavim 0.41 on windows 7?

I use android studio on Windows 7 and it installed IdeaVim, i used :map jj <Esc> (i know it's …

android-studio intellij-idea ideavim