Top "Vi" questions

vi is a family of text mode-oriented text editors.

Tabs and spaces in vim

How do I prevent vim from replacing spaces with tabs when autoindent is on? An example: if I have two …

vim vi
How do I "source" something in my .vimrc file?

I've been working on expanding my vim-foo lately and I've run across a couple of plugins (autotag.vim for example) …

plugins vi vim
Yank entire file

I often write something in gVim, then need to copy-paste it into another application. Is there an easy way to …

vim clipboard vi
Display name of the current file in vim?

How do you display the filename of the file you are working on in vim?

vim vi
Getting root permissions on a file inside of vi?

Often while editing config files, I'll open one with vi and then when I go to save it realize that …

linux unix vi
How to include forward slash in vi search & replace

I have a file that contains the string usrbin. I want to search for usrbin and replace it with /usr/…

search vim replace vi
Delete from the current cursor position to a given line number in vi editor

How do I delete a block of text from the current cursor row to a given line number in vi? …

vi editing
How to move one word left in the vi editor

I use the shortcut w to move the cursor one word right. Is there a shortcut to move a word …

vim vi
In vim, how do I go back to where I was before a search?

Programming in vim I often go search for something, yank it, then go back to where I was, insert it, …

vim vi
Why do Vim experts prefer buffers over tabs?

I don't understand buffers. When I open 3 files on the same tab and close my window, I'm generally annoyed to …

vim vi