Top "Vi" questions

vi is a family of text mode-oriented text editors.

The way to distinguish command-mode and insert-mode in Bash's Vi command line editing

I'm always little bit confused when bash in vi-mode is switched to insert-mode, because it doesn't give any tip about …

bash vi command-line-interface
How to write buffer content to stdout?

Is there any chance to write the content of the current vim buffer to stdout? I'd like to use vim …

shell vim stdout vi
Returning to previous line with Vim

I was wondering if there's a way to return to the previous line you were on in Vim. Say, for …

vim vi
Opening files in the same folder as the current file, in vim

In vim, when I have a buffer open, I often need to load another file in the same directory that …

unix vim vi
How do I use vi keys in ipython under *nix?

Currently in Bash I use set -o vi to enable vi mode in my bash prompt. How do I get …

python bash vi ipython readline
How can I open vim with a particular line number at the top?

I know it is possible to have vim open a file at particular line number using this syntax: vim +500 filename …

linux vim vi
selecting in visual mode to paste outside vim window

I need to paste some selected block in visual mode to outside of vim. Currently I need to select this …

vim copy-paste vi paste
Installing pathogen vim plugin on Windows

I was going to install the pathogen plugin in GVIM for windows but the instructions say to install in the \…

windows vim vi vim-plugin pathogen
vim "syntax on" does not work

Here is my .vimrc 1 syntax on 2 set ts=4 3 set number 4 set smartindent 5 set shiftwidth=4 However, I tried to edit HelloWorld.…

vim vi opensuse
Adding Line Break After pattern in VIM

I have a css file and I want to add an empty line after every }. How can I do this …

regex vim replace vi substitution