Top "Vagrant" questions


Vagrant Up failing because the name already exists

I've recently started using Virtualbox, Vagrant and VVV for my local Wordpress development environment. It's very slick. One issue I've …

wordpress vagrant virtual-machine web-development-server
Laravel Homestead: "VM not created.. moving on"

I did a global install of Laravel homestead, edited my ~/.homestead/Homestead.yaml-file and spun up the VM with homestead …

php laravel vagrant homestead
nginx keep port number when 301 redirecting

I'm trying to collapse a second brand of a web app into the first brand and use 301 redirects to redirect …

nginx server vagrant http-status-code-301
Is it possible to restart a machine when provisioning a machine using Vagrant and pickup where the script left off?

I was reading a tutorial in bash where they said to restart the machine, there was no option to restart …

bash vagrant vagrant-provision
Is there any way to retry playbooks from where they failed?

Is there any way to retry playbooks from where they failed? I'm starting it with vagrant provision

vagrant ansible vagrantfile
Puppetserver service fails to start

I have a Vagrant CentOS VM running with ps.memory = 2048 RAM allocated. When I try to start the puppetserver service: $ …

java vagrant puppet
Magento 2 goes terribly slow (Developer mode)

Recently I started developing magento 2 projects. First I tried on Windows with xampp and it was a mess... every refresh …

php magento vagrant e-commerce magento2
Laravel Homestead Redis Port Forwarding

I'm having some trouble here trying to remotely connect to my local Homestead Redis server. I'm using both commandline (redis-cli) …

php laravel redis vagrant homestead
VBoxManage: error: Failed to create the host-only adapter (II)

This error has previously been reported in post: VBoxManage: error: Failed to create the host-only adapter and it keeps reoccurring …

vagrant virtualbox vagrant-windows
Vagrant - how to have host platform specific provisioning steps

We've got a diverse dev team, one on Windows, another on Ubuntu and another on OSX. Being windows boy, I …

ruby vagrant