I've recently started using Virtualbox, Vagrant and VVV for my local Wordpress development environment. It's very slick. One issue I've …
wordpress vagrant virtual-machine web-development-serverI'm trying to collapse a second brand of a web app into the first brand and use 301 redirects to redirect …
nginx server vagrant http-status-code-301I was reading a tutorial in bash where they said to restart the machine, there was no option to restart …
bash vagrant vagrant-provisionIs there any way to retry playbooks from where they failed? I'm starting it with vagrant provision
vagrant ansible vagrantfileI have a Vagrant CentOS VM running with ps.memory = 2048 RAM allocated. When I try to start the puppetserver service: $ …
java vagrant puppetRecently I started developing magento 2 projects. First I tried on Windows with xampp and it was a mess... every refresh …
php magento vagrant e-commerce magento2This error has previously been reported in post: VBoxManage: error: Failed to create the host-only adapter and it keeps reoccurring …
vagrant virtualbox vagrant-windowsWe've got a diverse dev team, one on Windows, another on Ubuntu and another on OSX. Being windows boy, I …
ruby vagrant