I am new to vagrant and have set up a couple of vagrant vm's which I use for development and …
ubuntu vagrant bootI've got a vagrant vm set-up with a project structure on my host machine like so: PlayApps --> App1 …
virtual-machine vagrantI just downloaded Vagrant and did the settings as well as install virtual box. I just can't start my project (…
macos vagrant virtualboxI was used VirtualBox manual setups with virtualenvs inside them to run Django projects on my local machine. Recently I …
python django virtual-machine virtualenv vagrantI managed to setting up my Symfony2 project inside a ubuntu vagrant box. But it takes around 20 seconds to load …
macos ubuntu-12.04 vagrant nfs shared-directoryI've been experiencing an irritating issue that I cant get around. I am trying to vagrant up a centos7 system …
ssh vagrant windows-10 hyper-v opensshI have Vagrant + VirtualBox. In my Vagrantfile I have config.vm.provider "virtualbox" do |v| v.customize [ "createhd", "--filename", "disk", "…
virtualbox vagrant disk providerI'm building a vagrant setup, and part of that is installing rbenv. I'm using librarian-chef to manage all my chef …
ruby rubygems chef-infra vagrant rbenvI am trying to create a simple LAMP through Vagrant that can support multiple websites stored in /var/www. That …
linux lamp vagrant