I am new to vagrant tool. I am using Ubuntu 13.04 my project directory is "/var/www/project". I have set …
ubuntu vagrant virtualization vagrantfileI'm converting a vagrant provisioner from shell to ansible and I was wondering if there's any option to show the …
task benchmarking vagrant provisioning ansibleI've been playing around with setting up an environment using Vagrant, and I'm having an issue with the vagrant ssh …
ssh vagrant vagrantfileI've begun migrating a lot of our development environments to Vagrant. So far, this has been great for almost everything, …
drupal drupal-7 vagrantI have a Vagrant VM standard issue running. What would the complete instructions be to set up LAMP …
windows-7 virtual-machine lamp vagrant knifeI currently have Vagrant 1.8.1 installed in my Ubuntu 16.04 I'm thinking to upgrade it to Vagrant 2.0.0 The problem is I'm not …
ubuntu vagrant virtual-machine vagrantfile apt-getGetting the following when I am trying to run Vagrant up. Have tried to re-provision etc. Even tried rolling back (…
ssh vagrant varying vvv-wordpressI'm trying to set up a dev environment for my project. I have a container (ms1) which should be put …
networking docker vagrant docker-compose devopsI've been looking at, and would love to use it to provision/prepare the vagrant (VirtualBox) boxes used …
virtualbox vagrant docker packerI am trying to teach myself Flask in a Vagrant environment. I understand that Flask runs a server on port 5000 …
python networking flask vagrant vagrantfile