I'd like to copy the disk image of a running EC2 instance (grab the AMI) and import it into virtual …
amazon-ec2 virtualbox vagrant ec2-ami packerI would like to build a Docker image without docker iself. I have looked at Packer, but it requiers to …
docker packer openembedded yoctoHow is packer and docker different? Which one is easier/quickest to provision/maintain and why? What is the pros …
docker docker-compose dockerfile packerI've been looking at, and would love to use it to provision/prepare the vagrant (VirtualBox) boxes used …
virtualbox vagrant docker packerI have a shell provisioner in packer connected to a box with user vagrant { "environment_vars": [ "HOME_DIR=/home/vagrant" ], "…
shell root provisioning packerI'm trying to follow these instructions to build a basic AWS image using But it is not working …
amazon-web-services packerI am struggling to pass input parameter to packer provisioning script. I have tried various options but no joy. Objective …
packerI'd like to use conditional statements in the packer template at the "provisioners" stage. "provisioners": [ { "execute_command": "echo 'vagrant'|sudo …
packerMy packer build is failing with the following message: sudo: sorry, you must have a tty to run sudo. My …
vagrant virtualbox sudo packerI'm currently building AMIs via Packer without a problem, but I am baking the AWS credentials into my scripts which …
amazon-web-services packer