Top "Vagrant" questions


Vagrant: Is it possible to share files and alter permissions inside the guest?

I have been banging my head against a wall for a week and a half trying to work out how …

virtualbox vagrant nfs
vagrant port forwarding does not work

I installed a precise32 VM using Vagrant in which I am trying to employ devstack for openstack developing. In order …

virtualbox vagrant openstack devstack
can't connect localhost:3000 ruby on rails in vagrant

I tried to connect localhost:3000 in windows rails server is running in vagrant(ubuntu 14.10) portforwarding is done when, I tried …

ruby-on-rails ruby ruby-on-rails-4 vagrant ruby-on-rails-4.2
vagrant 'hostonlyif' create not working

I'm trying to do a vagrant up on a box, and I get the following error. INFO interface: error: There …

vagrant archlinux
Accessing apache on a vagrant sandbox using ssl (port forwarding)

I've built a vagrant/virtualbox web server as a development sandbox, and configured apache in the VM for ssl (on …

ssl virtualbox portforwarding vagrant
The host path of the shared folder is missing: ~/Code

I'd like to use laravel homestead for my development machine and installed virtualbox and vagrant successfully, but when I run …

laravel vagrant virtualbox development-environment homestead
VirtualBox error on MacOS Sierra

I am using virtualbox+vagrant for running a virtual machine for development purposes. It was running perfectly fine before I …

vagrant virtualbox vbox macos-sierra
Automatically chdir to vagrant directory upon "vagrant ssh"

So, I've got a bunch of vagrant VMs running some flavor of Linux (centos, ubuntu, whatever). I would like to …

bash shell vagrant
Connect to MySQL database on vagrant machine in PhpStorm

I can not create a connection to a MySQL database in a vagrant machine with PhpStorm. My settings are: DATABASE …

mysql connection vagrant phpstorm
Vagrant - set the location of the virtual hard drive for VirtualBox

I have executed following commands (on Windows, using Git Bash) in the directory D:\vagrant\precise32\02-lamp\ $ vagrant box add …

vagrant vagrantfile