Top "V8" questions

V8 is Google's open source JavaScript engine.

MongoDB SpiderMonkey doesn't understand UTF-8

If I add non-ASCII characters to MongoDB database then all db.find() fail telling "non ascii character detected". It's problem …

mongodb utf-8 v8 spidermonkey
Calling Javascript function from a C++ callback in V8

I'm trying to call a registered JS function when a c++ callback is called, but I'm getting a segfault for …

c++ multithreading v8 libuv
Under the hood, are Javascript objects hash tables?

I was wondering about how Objects are implemented under the hood in Javascript engines (V8, Spidermonkey, etc). Are they really …

javascript firefox google-chrome v8 spidermonkey
The meaning of "'x' is not a function or its return value is not iterable" error

I accidentally witnessed that this causes an error in V8 (Chrome, Node.js, etc): for (let val of Symbol()) { /*...*/ } TypeError: …

javascript node.js google-chrome v8 for-of-loop
What are the differences between Firefox's Javascript engine and Chrome's V8?

I have found in some articles saying that FF's Javascript engine partially adopt Chrome's V8 feature ,or even some sourcecode …

firefox google-chrome v8 javascript-engine