Top "Javascript-engine" questions

For questions related to JavaScript engine development.

Javascript JSON.stringify function is not working

I have tried to convert a JS object into JSON. JSON.stringify({a:1, toJSON: function(){}}) Native JSON stringify is not …

javascript json browser javascript-engine
Javascript Engines Advantages

I am confused about JavaScript engines right now. I know that V8 was a big deal because it compiled JavaScript …

javascript v8 rhino spidermonkey javascript-engine
Do browsers parse javascript on every page load?

Do browsers (IE and Firefox) parse linked javascript files every time the page refreshes? They can cache the files, so …

javascript browser-cache javascript-engine
PHP Headless Browser?

Is there a headless browser library for PHP? Would like something that has a JS engine built into it. FOSS …

php browser headless-browser javascript-engine
How can I detect which javascript engine (v8 or JSC) is used at runtime in Android?

Newer versions of Android ( > 2.2) include the v8 javascript engine, while older versions only had JSC. However, according to http://…

javascript android v8 javascript-engine
Is there a javaScript engine where I can run my code without being forced to use a browser?

Is there any way to write and run a JavaScript code without having a need to run a browser and …

javascript ide javascript-engine
What are the differences between Firefox's Javascript engine and Chrome's V8?

I have found in some articles saying that FF's Javascript engine partially adopt Chrome's V8 feature ,or even some sourcecode …

firefox google-chrome v8 javascript-engine