Top "Msbuild-target" questions

Targets group tasks together in a particular order and allow the build process to be factored into smaller units.

MSBuild passing parameters to CallTarget

I'm trying to make a reusable target in my MSBuild file so I can call it multiple times with different …

msbuild parameter-passing msbuild-target
Adding x86 and x64 libraries to NuGet package

I have made a library which depends on CefSharp which requires to build the library for specific platforms. So no …

nuget msbuild-target
MSBuild restore target - MSB4057: The target "restore" does not exist in the project

We have over 20 solutions in our main product portfolio (over 880 projects), and we have a complex set of build scripts …

c# msbuild nuget-package-restore .net-4.6.2 msbuild-target
MSBuild targets and Visual Studio 2012 issues

I'm having a hard time getting my third party non-reference assemblies deployed via Webdeploy withing the Visual Studio 2012 UI. I …

msbuild visual-studio-2012 msbuild-task webdeploy msbuild-target
error MSB4057: The target "v8" does not exist in the project

I'm trying to build V8 as part of ArangoDB using the official build scripts and following the official Windows build …

visual-studio-2013 compiler-errors v8 arangodb msbuild-target