Top "Node.js-addon" questions

Native C++ addons for node.

Error: Cannot find module 'nan'

I'm working on native Node.js addon and following nan docs I included nan into binding.gyp like: "include_dirs" : [ "&…

node.js npm node-gyp node.js-addon node.js-nan
Call C++ library from Node.js (Node addons / node-ffi)

I'm trying to integrate an external C++ library (I have access to the .so file as well as the header …

node.js node.js-addon node-ffi
Is it possible to write a node.js extension in C (not C++)?

A quick google search yields at least one tutorial for writing a C++ "Hello World" for node.js, but it's …

node.js c node.js-addon
node-ffi vs. node extension for accessing existing C++ functionality

I've got some existing C++ code that does numerical processing within a stand-alone C++ application. I now want to use …

c++ node.js node.js-addon node-ffi
How to convert v8::String to const char *

i have this function in dll static COMMANDERDLL_API int InsertCodeBar(const char* pszBuffer); in my node addon i have …

c++ node.js v8 node-gyp node.js-addon
*v8::String::Utf8Value(args[0]->ToString()) does not return the string of node.js addon argument

I've found that *v8::String::Utf8Value(args[0]->ToString()) returns the proper string on node 0.8.2 32-bit and does …

c++ c node.js v8 node.js-addon