Top "Uitabbarcontroller" questions

The UITabBarController class implements a specialized view controller that manages a radio-style selection interface.

Best way to update badgeValue of UITabBarController from a UIView

I have a tabBarController set up in the AppDelegate and have a few UIViewControllers with Nav Controllers. In one of …

iphone uiview uitabbarcontroller nsnotifications
UISplitViewController inside tab bar

I have an app which has a login screen and when the user logs in, a tab bar controller is …

ios ios8 uitabbarcontroller uisplitviewcontroller
How to reload a view controller when back from another view using tab bar

I have a common view used when the user opens the app (VC1). With a tab bar controller, I load …

ios swift uiviewcontroller uitabbarcontroller loadview
UITabBar leaves a white rectangle when hidden

I have been unable to google an acceptable solution to this that can be applied to my project. My app …

iphone objective-c uitabbarcontroller hidden uitabbar
Preserving the original image color of the selected and unselected UITabBar icons

The structure is the following: In my storyboard, I have a Tab Bar Controller which contains a Tab Bar object. …

ios uiimage uitabbarcontroller uitabbar uitabbaritem
Prevent tabbar from changing tab at specific index - IOS

Thanks for reading my question. I'm trying to implement a popup menu when a user clicks the tab with the …

iphone ios objective-c uitabbarcontroller uitabbaritem
How to change RootViewController (in AppDelegate) from within CustomViewController?

Good day, My app has authorization form (SigninController) which is loaded in AppDelegate, and after signing in (checking is in …

objective-c delegates uitabbarcontroller rootview
How to show modalviewcontroller above tabbar

I have tab bar and in view "A" and in "A" I have navigation controller. SO inside my navigation controller …

ios objective-c uitabbarcontroller presentmodalviewcontroller
hiding TabBar when rotating iPhone device to landscape

So here is what i have: A UITabBarController that handles different UIViewControllers. In one of the UIViewController i am trying …

iphone uitabbarcontroller rotation uitabbar tabbarcontroller
Tab bar not showing icons?

I read a bunch of related questions, I tried what they said, nothing works really. Not sure why. So, I …

ios xcode uitabbarcontroller uitabbar uitabbaritem