Top "Tabbarcontroller" questions

Trying to add 3rd tab to tabBarController

I'm trying to add a 3rd tab to the tabBarController using ios5. The standard object you get when you drag …

ios tabbarcontroller
self.title sets navigationController and tabBarItem's title? Why?

I do this in a UIViewController for one of my tabs: self.title = @"Welcome"; However, it's overwriting whatever I have …

iphone uinavigationcontroller tabbarcontroller
Passing data from view controller to tab bar controller in iOS

I'm developing an iOS app and now I'm at a loss. I'm trying to pass data from the first View …

ios objective-c storyboard viewcontroller tabbarcontroller
hiding TabBar when rotating iPhone device to landscape

So here is what i have: A UITabBarController that handles different UIViewControllers. In one of the UIViewController i am trying …

iphone uitabbarcontroller rotation uitabbar tabbarcontroller
change tab bar item image in swift programatically

I am working on an app in Xcode. I currently have three tabBarItems on my tab bar. I want the …

ios swift tabbar tabbarcontroller
iphone tab bar controller and core data

Ok bit of a newbie type question. I want to use Core Data, together with Tab and Navigation controllers. In …

iphone xcode core-data uinavigationcontroller tabbarcontroller
No top navigation bar in a tab bar controller application

I'm pretty new in iphone programming and have stumbled upon this issue which I guess should be pretty basic stuff. …

iphone ios5 uinavigationbar tabbarcontroller
How to display the UIActionSheet view from above Tab Bar Controller?

I need to display the action sheet above the Tab Bar controller. I mean, I would be able to see …

iphone objective-c uiactionsheet tabbarcontroller
Modify title and icon of a uitabbarcontroller item

How can I modify the title and the icon of items of TabBarController? It is possible directly in Interface Builder?

iphone ios5 interface-builder tabbarcontroller
Adding a TabBarController programmatically

I want to make a tab bar controller and navigation controller programmatically. My code works so far that it shows …

iphone objective-c ios xcode tabbarcontroller