Top "Uitabbarcontroller" questions

The UITabBarController class implements a specialized view controller that manages a radio-style selection interface.

Swift setting Badge Value for UITabBarItem

I'm attempting to add a badge alert label like the one in the screenshot attached. I've tried to search for …

swift swift2 uitabbarcontroller uitabbaritem
How to access ObjectAtIndex in tabBarController with Swift?

i used to say in obj-c [self.tabBarController.viewControllers objectAtIndex:1]; but now in swift no ObjectAtIndex any more self.tabBarController.…

ios swift uitabbarcontroller viewcontroller
How to re-order segues in initial view's tabbar controller in xcode 4.5?

How do I reorder the initial view's tabbar controller elements without having to delete all the segues and re connect …

ios xcode uitabbarcontroller storyboard uitabbar
iOS 6 UITabBarController supported orientation with current UINavigation controller

I have an iPhone app I am updating to iOS 6 that is having rotation issues. I have a UITabBarController with 16 …

uinavigationcontroller rotation uitabbarcontroller orientation ios6
How to disable/enable a particular UITabBar Item,

I have 3 tabs in my UITabbarController, that I created in my Appdelegate. When I open the app, I have made …

ios objective-c uitabbarcontroller uitabbaritem
How to add a badge to a UITabBar that is customizable?

I am adding a badge to my UITabBarController's UITabBar as such: UITabBarItem *tbi = (UITabBarItem *)[stTabBarController.tabBar.items objectAtIndex:1]; tbi.badgeValue = @"2"; …

iphone objective-c cocoa-touch uitabbarcontroller uitabbar
To change the color of unselected UITabBar icon in iOS 7?

I know this question has been asked earlier as well, but still i didn't get any solution searching the solution …

ios ios7 uitabbarcontroller uitabbar uitabbaritem
Swift: Change the image tint color of tab bar?

I have created the tabBarController programmatically and I want to change color of tint color of images (not the bar) …

ios swift uiimage uitabbarcontroller tintcolor
iOS 7 tabBar-line, how to remove it?

Apple has added a tiny line over the tabBar in iOS 7 which is supposed to work as a shadow or …

ios objective-c uitabbarcontroller uitabbar uitabbaritem
MPMoviewPlayerController fullscreen playback rotation with underlying UIViewController with portrait mode only (rotation disallowed)

Hallo, I have a simple application, which does contain UITabBarController with two UIViewControllers. Both UIViewControllers are portrait only (no rotation …

iphone cocoa-touch uitabbarcontroller rotation mpmovieplayercontroller