Top "Tintcolor" questions

In iOS 7, tint color is a property of UIView.

Using Tint color on UIImageView

I have my own subclass of UIButton. I add UIImageView on it and add an image. I would like to …

ios xcode uiimageview uibutton tintcolor
Changing the Tint Color of UIBarButtonItem

I have a project using Storyboards and whenever I push a view controller with a segue, the dynamically created bar …

ios objective-c ios7 uibarbuttonitem tintcolor
How can I change image tintColor

I'm receiving image from a server, then based on a color chosen by the user, the image color will be …

ios objective-c uiimage uicolor tintcolor
Change global tint color - iOS7/iOS8

How can we change the global tint color on iOS7/iOS8 by code? I want to change multiple objects that …

ios7 uicolor tintcolor
UINavigationBar set tintcolor tested in iOS7 not working?

I have an app which have a UINavigationBar and I have set the tint color to black like this: self.…

iphone objective-c ios7 uinavigationcontroller tintcolor
Change tintColor of unselected UITabBarController item title and background image

How can I change the tintColor of an unselected UITabBarItem title and background image iOS 8? The default color for an …

ios ios8 uitabbaritem tintcolor bartintcolor
React Native - Why we use the tintColor property for Image component?

When i use tintColor property it fills the whole image to the color i specified to the tintColor property. Is …

android ios reactjs react-native tintcolor
UIToolbar tint on iOS 4

just switched to iOS 4 on my iPhone 3GS and some of my apps broke. One issue I had is that …

iphone ios4 uitoolbar tint tintcolor
How to change button text color of UIAlertView in iOS7?

iOS7 introduced general tint-color. I think UIAlertView is also in the valid range, but actually tintColor doesn't look to work …

ios7 uialertview tintcolor
How to change UISwitch default color for OFF state?

I want to change the color of onTintColor in the UISwitch for the off State. The switch is in tableview …

ios uiswitch tintcolor