Top "Tintcolor" questions

In iOS 7, tint color is a property of UIView.

Swift: Change the image tint color of tab bar?

I have created the tabBarController programmatically and I want to change color of tint color of images (not the bar) …

ios swift uiimage uitabbarcontroller tintcolor
iOS 8 UIActivityViewController and UIAlertController button text color uses window's tintColor

In iOS 8, it seems that buttons on UIAlertController (specifically the action sheet type) as well as buttons on the UIActivityViewController …

ios objective-c ios8 tintcolor
Changing cursor color on UISearchBar without changing tintColor

I want my searchBar's tint color to be white (meaning the cancel button be white). The cursor is not visible …

ios7 uisearchbar tintcolor
iOS: What does tint color actually do?

Suppose a segmented control's tint color is set to RGB(69, 175, 225) but the actually color from color picker range from (top …

ios tintcolor
Get global tint color from code

Is there a way I can get the global tint color from my project by code? To avoid a misunderstanding …

ios7 xcode5 tintcolor
How to set UISwitch border color?

My app has: [[UIView appearance] setTintColor:[UIColor whiteColor]]; And here is what I have when on: and off: I need …

ios uiswitch tintcolor
iOS 7 Tint Color - UINavigationItem's backBarButtonItem doesn't tint when initWithImage:

I'm having trouble applying a tint color the navigation item's back bar button item when I create the bar button …

uikit ios7 tintcolor
Gray UISearchBar w/matching scope bar programmatically

I'm trying to recreate this UISearchBar (as seen in the Table Search example code): alt text…

iphone uisearchbar tintcolor
Set NavigationBar Tint Color in iOS 7

Am trying to set the tint for all navigation bars from my appdelegate in iOS 7. This worked always before, but …

ios7 uinavigationbar tintcolor
UIToolbar tintColor and barTintColor issues

I have code like so: UIView *colorView = [[UIView alloc] init]; colorView.frame = CGRectMake(0.0, 0.0, self.view.frame.size.width, 64.0); colorView.backgroundColor = […

ios uiview ios7 uitoolbar tintcolor