Top "Uiscrollview" questions

Use this tag for all questions about scroll views on iOS.

UIScrollView that expands with contents' instrinsic size until height X, and then scrolls

I'm basically trying to reproduce the behavior of the title and message section of an alert. The title and message …

ios uiscrollview autolayout intrinsic-content-size
Using UISwipeGestureRecognizer in UIScrollView, can't detect right swipe, only detect left swipe

I have a UIView demoView in a UIScrollView. I want to scroll the UIScroll view vertically and don't scroll horizontally. …

objective-c uiscrollview uiswipegesturerecognizer
What is the difference between 'tableView.contentSize' and 'tableView.frame.size'

tableView.setContentOffset(CGPointMake(0, tableView.contentSize.height - tableView.frame.size.height), animated: true) It works, but I wonder what actually …

ios uitableview uiscrollview frame contentsize
UIScrollView touch events during animation not firing with animateWithDuration: but work fine with UIView beginAnimations:

I have a UIScrollView subclass that I am programmatically scrolling using UIView animations. I'd like the user to be able …

uiview uiscrollview uiviewanimation objective-c-blocks
Detect touch location on UIScrollView ?

I would like to detect the (initial) touch position in my UIScrollView when the user starts dragging. I have googled …

ios uiscrollview touch uigesturerecognizer uiresponder
What is the best way to disable horizontal scroll of UIScrollView?

In UIScrollView, I have content height and width greater than scrollview's size. So basically it can scroll horizontally and vertically. …

objective-c uiscrollview horizontal-scrolling contentsize
Stop deceleration of UIScrollView

What's the best way to immediately stop the deceleration of an UIScrollView in iPhone 3.0? I would like to keep the …

iphone iphone-sdk-3.0 uiscrollview acceleration
Scrollview with embedded tableview

I'm building an iOS app in swift with Xcode 6. I'm trying to embed a view controller with a table view …

ios swift view uiscrollview subview
Why does scrolling a UIWebView *feel* so much different than scrolling any other UIScrollView?

I'm building an app that loads in a small amount of simple HTML (locally) into a single full-screen UIWebView. I'm …

ios cocoa-touch uiwebview uiscrollview