Top "Uiscrollview" questions

Use this tag for all questions about scroll views on iOS.

Height of contentView of UIScrollView based on inside content using Storyboard

I'm actually facing difficulties to make my UIScrollView fully responsive using only storyboard constraints. Here is my hierarchy : > - …

ios objective-c uiscrollview xcode-storyboard
UIScrollView Zooming & contentInset

Simliar to iOS Photos App where the user is zooming in and out of an image by pinching: UIView > …

swift xcode uiscrollview zoom uiedgeinsets
Fading out any content which approaches edges of UIScollView

As the title says, I am trying to give to some UIImageViews a fading out effect as they get closer …

ios uiscrollview quartz-core
contentsize and contentOffset equivalent in NSScroll view

I am porting an app from Ipad to mac. (I know that it sounds weird) I stuck with NSScrollview. Please …

ios iphone macos uiscrollview nsscrollview
UIScrollview animation depending on content offset

I'm using a horizontal UIScrollView, and I want a background color transition depending on the x value of the content …

ios xcode animation uiscrollview contentoffset
scrollView not scrolling swift

I have a scroll view which is not scrolling. Googling seems to indicate that it may be to do with …

ios swift uiscrollview contentsize
How to detect touch on UIImageView inside UIScrollview?

I have a UIScrollview in my app and I populate it with LOTS of UIImageViews approx 900. They are all very …

iphone objective-c uiscrollview uiimageview touchesbegan
UIgestureRecognizer in a view inside a UIScrollView

Has anyone managed to get a UIGestureRecognizer to work on a UIView that is a subview of a UIScrollView? My …

iphone cocoa-touch uiscrollview gesture-recognition uigesturerecognizer
How To Detect "Touch Down" in superview of UIScrollView?

I have a UIView that contains a UIScrollView and I want to be able to capture the "Touch Down" event …

ios objective-c uiview uiscrollview touch-event
how to scroll tableview after inserting a row at the bottom correctly?

Here is the code I use: //inserting a row at the bottom first _numberOfRecords++; [_tableView beginUpdates]; [_tableView insertRowsAtIndexPaths:@[[NSIndexPath indexPathForRow:_…

ios uitableview uiscrollview livechat