Use this tag for all questions about scroll views on iOS.
In this following code example self.contentView refers to the UIScrollView in question. // Scroll to bottom. CGPoint bottomOffset = CGPointMake(0, self.…
ios iphone objective-c uiscrollview contentoffsetChallenge time! Imagine we have 2 content views: UIView with dynamically height content (expandable UITextView) = RED UIView as a footer = BLUE …
ios uiview uiscrollview autolayout sticky-footerI have created a small demo playground to get this working before adding the view to my app. I have …
ios swift uiscrollview swift-playground programmatically-createdI have a UIControl inside a UIScrollView. In my UIControl's init, I rig up some touch event handlers, e.g. […
ios uiscrollview ios7 uicontrolNote: check out Thuy's great subclass of UINavBar here: If you're working on this problem, GTScrollNavigationBar …
ios7 uiscrollview uigesturerecognizer uitoolbarIn my iOS app I am observing changes to the contentOffset property of my scrollView subclass. My observer handler looks …
ios uiscrollview key-value-observing cgpointSo, I am needing to run an infinite loop in the background of my app (written in JS) that will …
javascript loops background uiscrollview titaniumI need to limit the bouncing in a UIScrollView so that it bounces as usual at the bottom but doesn't …
ios uiscrollview bounceI am using scrollViewDidScroll delegate in my application. But, many times, even though I dint start scrolling, this delegate is …
iphone ios xcode uiscrollview uiscrollviewdelegateIs there any way that we can get indexPathsForVisibleItems when a UICollectionView loads its data initially . Basically I want all …
ios objective-c uiscrollview uicollectionview nsindexpath