Use this tag for all questions about scroll views on iOS.
UIScrollView has a delegate property which conforms to UIScrollViewDelegate protocol UIScrollViewDelegate : NSObjectProtocol { //... } class UIScrollView : UIView, NSCoding { unowned(unsafe) var delegate: …
ios swift uiscrollview uiscrollviewdelegateI'm making a Mac app which needs to know when the user is scrolling the NSScrollView, however, I can't find …
objective-c cocoa macos uiscrollview nsscrollviewMy app is using Firebase Analytics and I believe starting in iOS 13.2 started getting the errors described here: Why I …
firebase uiscrollview uikit webkit uimenucontrollerZooming with UIScrollView using a strictly autolayout environment does not seem to work. This is especially frustrating because the iOS 6 …
ios uiscrollview zoom autolayoutI am attempting to implement a UIScrollView where horizontally panning scrolls through pictures in the scrollview but vertically panning performs …
objective-c ios uiscrollview uipangesturerecognizerI'm having a hard time getting this right. I've got a UIScrollView, with paging enabled. It is managed by a …
objective-c cocoa-touch ios uiscrollview uiinterfaceorientationI have a UIWebView which i've set the height of the WebView to [[webView stringByEvaluatingJavaScriptFromString:@"document.body.offsetHeight"] floatValue]; This …
ios uiwebview uiscrollview contentsizeI have implemented an UIScrollView delegate as: - (void) scrollViewDidScroll: (UIScrollView *) scrollView { CGRect bounds = scrollView.bounds ; CGPoint scrollLoc = scrollView.contentOffset ; …
ios uiscrollview autorotateI currently am using a UIScrollView to work as a way of scrolling/ dragging the cursor/ marker of a graph …
iphone ios uiscrollview touch tapI want to show an image that stays on the page for 5 seconds but appears everytime my scrollview scrolls. So …
iphone objective-c ios uiscrollview uiscrollviewdelegate