Use this tag for all questions about scroll views on iOS.
I'm quite new to iOS development. Right now i'm trying to hide my tabbar when I scroll down and when …
ios swift uiscrollview uitabbarcontroller show-hideI have ViewController with UIScrollView, some UIImages and UIButtons. In the Storyboard I set the size of UIScrollView to: width: 320, …
ios swift uiscrollview contentsizeso lets say I have a UIScrollView, within it are 3 UIViews, within those there is a UISlider in each one. …
iphone uiview uiscrollview position uisliderI am confused. I have a UICollectionView. I have my own UICollectionViewLayout subclass (iow, I am not using the Flow …
ios ios7 uiscrollview uicollectionview pinchzoomI'm using UITapGestureRecognizer because I'm using a UIScrollView that acts as a container for my UILabels. Basically I'm trying to …
ios objective-c uiscrollview uilabel uitapgesturerecognizerI'm trying to implement a custom tab bar which is scrollable and has paging at each tab bar item. For …
ios uiscrollview ios5 uiscrollviewdelegateI have created a UIScrollView and added subviews to it in Interface Builder, but I am not able to get …
ios objective-c uiscrollview contentsizeWhile a UIScrollView (or a derived class thereof) is scrolling, it seems like all the NSTimers that are running get …
ios uiscrollview nstimerI'm trying to add a pan gesture recognizer to a view containing a scrollview, but I guess I've problems with …
ios uiscrollview uigesturerecognizer uipangesturerecognizerI having two sub views inside scrollview. I need to position that both subviews programmatically. I did it correctly by …
ios swift uiscrollview uikit cgrect