Top "Uiscrollview" questions

Use this tag for all questions about scroll views on iOS.

How to add UIPanGestureRecognizer to UIScrollView subviews

I am adding subviews to a UIScrollView and then I add UIPanGestureRecognizer to these subviews. Everything works fine but now …

iphone ios uiscrollview uipangesturerecognizer
Properly zooming a UIScrollView that contains many subviews

I created a zoomable UIScrollView and added 100 subviews to it (tiled). The view scrolls perfectly left and right. However, I'd …

iphone objective-c uiscrollview zoom
iOS7 UIScrollView show offset content below status bar

I'm developing my app to work with iOS7. I have a UINavigationController I'm pushing a UIViewController that has a ScrollView …

iphone uiscrollview ios7 status
IBOutlet isn't connected in awakeFromNib

The sample code linked here works great and allows a UIScrollView to display images with paging and preview of the …

ios uiscrollview iboutlet awakefromnib
Check direction of scroll in UIScrollView

I am trying to implement the method scrollViewWillBeginDragging. When this method is called I check that the user has selected …

iphone ios xcode uiscrollview direction
Navigate to specific page in scrollView with paging, programmatically

How do I navigate to a specific page programmatically. Basically I have an app with a scrollView populated with a …

iphone uiscrollview uipagecontrol
UIScrollView scrolling speed

Is there any way to reduce the speed of scrolling in the UIScrollView, I tried to use scrollRectToVisible: animated: NO …

iphone uiscrollview scroll vertical-scrolling
Autoresize UITextView and UIScrollView

I already did several searches on Stack Overflow and Google, but I couldn't find a solution to my problem. I …

iphone uiscrollview uitextview autoresize
iPhone - Nesting UIScrollViews for horizontal paging and vertical scrolling

I'm developing my first iPhone app and I would greatly appreciate you guy's input on a problem I'm having. I'm …

iphone scroll uiscrollview paging
View with continuous scroll; both horizontal and vertical

I have been struggling with this assignment for quite some time now. What I would like to develop is a …

ios uiscrollview uicollectionview infinite-scroll