awakeFromNib an Objective-C instance method which Prepares the receiver for service after it has been loaded from an Interface Builder archive, or nib file
I want to know the key difference between awakeFromNib() and viewDidLoad() to get more clarity on how it works . Please …
swift viewdidload awakefromnibIt is my understanding that awakeFromNib will always be called before viewDidLoad. So I have a subclass of a UITableViewController, …
iphone ipad uitableview viewdidload awakefromnibThe sample code linked here works great and allows a UIScrollView to display images with paging and preview of the …
ios uiscrollview iboutlet awakefromnibI have created a new project in xcode 4.5 and I have called my viewcontroller by -(id)initWithNibName:bundle: from …
iphone objective-c ios nib awakefromnib