Top "Direction" questions

The movement or orientation of UI elements in a specific direction.

How to detect scroll direction

I want to run a function when someone scrolls down on an element. Something like this: $('div').scrollDown(function(){ alert(…

jquery scroll direction
How to recognize swipe in all 4 directions

I need to use swipe to recognize swipe gesture down and then right. But on swift UISwipeGestureRecognizer has predeterminate Right …

ios swift swipe direction uiswipegesturerecognizer
Why words are shuffled when I insert English words in any Arabic/Urdu/Persian text on Notepad or MS Word?

I can write Arabic/Urdu/Persian on MS Word or Notepad just fine, but whenever I insert any English word …

ms-word arabic direction persian bidi
jquery .show('slow') direction?

Is it possible to change direction of $("selector").show('slow') and hide('slow') effects in jQuery? I can define directions …

jquery show direction
Detecting the scrolling direction in the adapter (up/down)

I am trying to mimic the Google Plus application in my project, as it seems to be the reference now. …

android listview animation scroll direction
right-to-left (RTL) in flutter

I was using Flutter more than a week, and wanted to create an Arabic (right-to-left) app. I was reading Internationalizing …

layout flutter right-to-left direction
Bootstrap - Change direction of the navbar

I've using Twitter bootstrap and trying to align the navbars' text to the right, i.e - that the "brand" …

twitter-bootstrap right-to-left direction
Get direction (compass) with two longitude/latitude points

I'm working on a "compass" for a mobile-device. I have the following points: point 1 (current location): Latitude = 47.2246, Longitude = 8.8257 point 2 (target …

math geolocation location compass-geolocation direction
css: dir="rtl" VS style="direction:rtl"

I know how to style when the direction is inline <div dir="rtl">foo</div> div[…

css direction
How can I get the direction of movement using an accelerometer?

I'm developing a Android application and I would like to know if is possible detect the direction of movement with …

android physics accelerometer direction