Top "Intrinsic-content-size" questions

How to set a custom view's intrinsic content size in Swift?

Background I am making a vertical label to use with traditional Mongolian script. Before I was just rotating a UILabel …

ios swift custom-controls intrinsic-content-size
How to keep an image size intrinsic, before it is loaded, so layout is stable?

I had always thought you could specify an <img/>'s width and height attributes so the browser knows …

html css image intrinsic-content-size
How To: Self-Sizing Custom-View from XIB with StackView View in iOS

I've recently started diving into iOS development with Swift again and am now looking into a custom UIControl. For layout …

ios autolayout xib uistackview intrinsic-content-size
systemLayoutSizeFitting ignoring layout constraints and using image view intrinsic size

I'm using a custom layout for a UICollectionView. My cell should have fixed width and flexible height. The cell is …

ios swift uicollectionviewcell intrinsic-content-size
UIScrollView that expands with contents' instrinsic size until height X, and then scrolls

I'm basically trying to reproduce the behavior of the title and message section of an alert. The title and message …

ios uiscrollview autolayout intrinsic-content-size