Top "Uilabel" questions

The UILabel class implements a read-only text view in iOS.

iPhone - Create a semi transparent rectangle with opaque text

I have a MapView and I want to display a black semi transparent rectangle on top with a text inside. …

iphone uiview transparency uilabel alpha
NSAttributedString tail truncation in UILabel

I'm using ContextLabel to parse @ , # and URL's. This is the best solution i found, cause it sizes correctly and dont …

ios swift uilabel nsattributedstring hashtag
How to convert CGFontRef to UIFont?

I want to use a custom font for a UILabel. The custom font is loaded by from a file: NSString *…

iphone ios uilabel uifont
Setting NSForegroundColorAttributeName on an attributed string shifts the text down on iOS 6

I'm using attributed strings in my iOS app to give the text some style: NSDictionary *titleAttributes = @{NSFontAttributeName: [UIFont fontWithName:@"Raleway" …

ios ios6 uilabel nsattributedstring nsmutableattributedstring
Correct way to use sizeThatFits: and sizeToFit with UILabel?

At the moment I have a label being sized correctly using [aString sizeWithFont:constrainedToSize:lineBreakMode:] but I've introduced rotation into …

iphone resize uilabel sizetofit
UIStackView and truncated Multiline UILabels

I want to add several multiline Labels to an UIStackView. But I always end up my Labels being truncated. As …

ios swift uilabel uistackview
how to set visibility GONE like android in IOS?

Anybody know a simple way to hide a label and let the other views of the screen use the place …

android ios iphone uilabel show-hide
Different font size in the same label?

Is it possible to have different fontsize or weight in the same UILabel? I can do it in the storyboard …

ios uilabel nsattributedstring uifont
UILabel textRectForBounds has no effect when trying to create margin

I'm trying to indent the text in a UILabel to leave some margin around the text showing the background colour. …

iphone ios uilabel margins
iOS controlling a slider value and text label value with a stepper

I already have a slider that controls the output of a text label. -(IBAction)mySlider:(UISlider *)sender { _myTextLabel.text = […

ios uilabel uislider uistepper