Top "Uilabel" questions

The UILabel class implements a read-only text view in iOS.

Top-aligning text of different sizes within a UILabel

How to top-align text of different sizes within a UILabel? An example is top-aligning smaller-sized cent amount with larger-sized dollar …

ios ios6 uilabel nsattributedstring
Font color for UILabel not changing

I am trying to display numbers on a UILabel with a bold black font and size 50. After some failed attempts …

ios objective-c uilabel uistoryboard uifont
iOS 7 gets me a different CGSize width and height

I have a problem on my app on iOS 7 I calculate my label size using: CGSize constraint = CGSizeMake(275, 141); CGSize size; …

ios objective-c uilabel ios7 cgsize
How to implement UILabel line spacing using xib?

I want to align a UILabel's text vertically with line spacing via xib in iOS, for example: hello, how are …

ios objective-c iphone uilabel line-spacing
Blurry UILabel when added programmatically

I am adding a UILabel to a view meant for loading purposes. However, it gets blurry after I added it. …

ios ios5 uilabel blurry
How to replicate the blurred text in Notification Center (iOS 8)

I am playing with TodayExtension in iOS 8 and I wondered how to apply that blur effect to the Text or …

uilabel ios8 blur
Swift CGAffineTransformScale to a scale, not by a scale

Let's say I scale a UILabel using a CGAffineTransformScale like so: let scale = 0.5 text = UILabel(frame: CGRectMake(100, 100, 100, 100)) text.text = "Test" …

ios swift uilabel cgaffinetransformscale
UILabel wrong word wrap in iOS 11

I have problem with application using XIBs without autolayout. I don't know if this is important information. I have UILabel …

ios iphone uilabel ios11
Placing UILabel in the center of screen

I have a UILabel which I want to be displayed at the center of screen regardless of which iPhone it …

swift sprite-kit uilabel skscene cgpoint
Really close lines with NSAttributedString?

I want to have two lines of text appear really close together (small line spacing) for a button. I have …

ios objective-c uibutton uilabel nsattributedstring