Top "Uilabel" questions

The UILabel class implements a read-only text view in iOS.

Outline UILabel text in UILabel Subclass

I'm trying hard to find a way to simply add an outline/stroke/contour to my UILabel text. Talking about …

ios swift uilabel stroke outline
UILabel Text with Multiple Font Colors

Is there a way to have the textColor property of a UILabel be two different UIColors? Basically I'm trying to …

ios iphone objective-c uilabel textcolor
Set Specific Font Weight for UILabel in Swift

When people have asked how to set a bold font, most people suggest: let boldFont = UIFont.boldSystemFont(ofSize: ___) But take …

ios swift uilabel uifont
Tap Gesture on part of UILabel

I could successfully add tap gestures to a part of UITextView with the following code: UITextPosition *pos = textView.endOfDocument;// textView ~ …

iphone ios uilabel uitapgesturerecognizer uitextinput
Detect hash tags #, mention tags @, in iOS like in Twitter App

I need to Detect #Tags given in description UILabel and change text color as [UIColor BlueColor]; where i am not …

ios objective-c uitableview uilabel hashtag
How can I add padding to the intrinsic content size of UILabel?

I'm using autolayout on iOS7 and I have a problem like this: I'm putting a UILabel onto a UIView and …

ios objective-c uilabel autolayout sizetofit
Change the Font Style - (Set Lable text in All-Caps format ) in Objective C

I want to set the UILable text font style in Small-Caps format like below image. Please give me the solution …

iphone objective-c uilabel uifont capitalization
How do you limit UILabel characters in swift?

I'm trying to set a limit in my label to 10 characters, I'm a complete newbie to programming in general so …

swift uilabel character-limit
Refresh "aria-pressed" of UI Buttons with Markup / Style

I'm using the UI buttons with style - Like | B | I | U | in this example page, and the html structure …

jquery-ui checkbox label uilabel checked
iOS 5/6 vs iOS 7 multiline label line spacing

I ran my app under iOS 7 and discovered that multiline labels (non-attributed, plain text) render with a small line spacing. …

ios uilabel ios7 core-text textkit