Top "Uifont" questions

The UIFont class provides the interface for getting and setting font information.

How to change font of UIButton with Swift

I am trying to change the font of a UIButton using Swift... myButton.font = UIFont(name: "...", 10) However .font is deprecated …

ios uibutton swift uifont
How do I set bold and italic on UILabel of iPhone/iPad?

How do I set bold and italic on UILabel of iPhone/iPad? I searched the forum but nothing helped me. …

ios objective-c swift uilabel uifont
How do you stylize a font in Swift?

I'm trying out developing for Swift, it's going pretty well. One of the issues I'm having is finding out how …

ios swift uifont
Setting BOLD font on iOS UILabel

I have assigned a custom font of 'Helvetica' with size 14 already for the text in UILabel using Interface Builder. I …

ios objective-c fonts uifont
make UILabel's text bold

I want to make UILabel's text bold infoLabel=[[UILabel alloc]initWithFrame:CGRectMake(90,150, 200, 30)]; [infoLabel setText:@"Drag 14 more Flavors"]; [infoLabel setBackgroundColor:[UIColor …

ios objective-c uilabel uifont textcolor
How do I get the font name from an otf or ttf file?

I have used a custom font in my previous app. The file name was "ProximaNova-Regular.otf" and to load the …

ios uifont
UIFont fontWithName font name

Say you want a specific font for UIFont. How do you know what it's called? E.g. if you wanted …

ios5 uifont
Visual List of iOS Fonts?

I am looking for a list of iOS Fonts for iOS 7. I have found the list on Apple's developer site, …

ios uifont typeface
How to create bold UIFont

I am doing some word wrapping in my tableview as some of the values are so big they go off …

ios uitableview uifont
UIFont - how to get system thin font

UIFont has methods to get regular font (systemFontOfSize) or bold font (boldSystemFontOfSize), but how to get a "thin system font" …

ios objective-c swift uikit uifont