Top "Uifont" questions

The UIFont class provides the interface for getting and setting font information.

Ios Swift making font toggle bold, italic, boldItalic, normal without change other attributes

I am surprised, that simply setting bold and italic for existing font is so complicated in Swift. I just want …

ios swift uifont bold italic
How can I calculate correct widths for UISegmentedControl segments?

I'm trying to use a UISegmentedControl but having trouble calculating the width of the segments. The control makes the segments …

iphone ios uisegmentedcontrol uifont
UILabel and fonts

How can I can use the font: HelveticaNeue Regular in my labels? I can do it with IB, but programmatically …

ios objective-c swift uifont
Swift: Bolding UIButton

Is it possible to bold the font in a UIButton? With label, it's pretty simple such as: label.font = UIFont(…

swift uibutton label uifont
How to get monospaced numbers in UILabel on iOS 9

At WWDC 2015, there was a session about the new “San Francisco” system font in iOS 9. It uses proportional number rendering …

ios uilabel uifont monospace ios9
Custom UIFont baseline shifted

I'm having a problem with custom UIFonts. I load 6 of them (font A in regular/bold/regularItalic/boldItalic, font B …

ios truetype uifont opentype
Set Specific Font Weight for UILabel in Swift

When people have asked how to set a bold font, most people suggest: let boldFont = UIFont.boldSystemFont(ofSize: ___) But take …

ios swift uilabel uifont
Change the Font Style - (Set Lable text in All-Caps format ) in Objective C

I want to set the UILable text font style in Small-Caps format like below image. Please give me the solution …

iphone objective-c uilabel uifont capitalization
iOS - Get the "real" height of a letter

I am trying to layout text on a UIView. (The yellow area is the frame of the UILabel with a …

ios uifont
Font color for UILabel not changing

I am trying to display numbers on a UILabel with a bold black font and size 50. After some failed attempts …

ios objective-c uilabel uistoryboard uifont