Top "Uistepper" questions

A UIStepper control provides a user interface for incrementing or decrementing a value.

How to use UIStepper

I am trying to work with UIStepper to increment or decrement an integer, but both "-" and "+" increase the integer! …

ios objective-c uistepper
Can't create IBAction connections in Xcode 5 Storyboard

A seemingly very basic problem, but it's frustrating me to no end and stalling progress. When I click and drag …

ios objective-c xcode uibutton uistepper
UIStepper. Find out whether incremented or decremented

Figuring out whether the plus or minus button was pressed in UIStepper I use this method: - (void)stepperOneChanged:(UIStepper*)…

ios uistepper
iOS controlling a slider value and text label value with a stepper

I already have a slider that controls the output of a text label. -(IBAction)mySlider:(UISlider *)sender { _myTextLabel.text = […

ios uilabel uislider uistepper
Changing the size of UIStepper

I can't seem to change the size of UIStepper: In IB, the Width and Height boxes are grayed out. I …

objective-c ios cocoa-touch uistepper