Can't create IBAction connections in Xcode 5 Storyboard

Sebastian picture Sebastian · Feb 6, 2014 · Viewed 14.3k times · Source

A seemingly very basic problem, but it's frustrating me to no end and stalling progress. When I click and drag from a UIButton or UIStepper onto the View Controller, the option to add IBAction connections aren't listed.

The View Controller is called BuyNowVC and in my BuyNowVC.h I have:

@interface BuyNowVC : UIViewController {
    IBOutlet UIButton *buyButton;
    IBOutlet UIStepper *myStepper;

@property (nonatomic, retain) IBOutlet UIButton *buyButton;
@property (nonatomic, retain) IBOutlet UIStepper *myStepper;

- (IBAction)buttonPressed;
- (IBAction)stepperPressed;

And in BuyNowVC.m:

@synthesize buyButton;
@synthesize myStepper;

- (IBAction)buttonPressed {
    NSLog(@"Button pressed!");

- (IBAction)stepperPressed {
    NSLog(@"Stepper pressed!");

I'm definitely ctrl dragging onto the View Controller itself but the only options I get with both UIButton and UIStepper are Action Segue: push, modal, custom. No sign of buttonPressed or stepperPressed.


I should also mention that this isn't the root VC and the UIButton is currently tied to a Segue to the next View Controller (so I can navigate my mockup) but it doesn't seem to make a difference if I remove it.


Unheilig picture Unheilig · Feb 6, 2014

First, should BuyNow.m be BuyNowVC.m?

Second, if you are trying to tie an UIButton to an IBAction within your view controller and if that doesn't work, you might have missed re-naming the "Custom Class" field with the name of the view controller you try to connect the UIButton to in storyboard.

Third, you mentioned ".... are Action Segue: push, modal, custom. No sign of buttonPressed or stepperPressed.". This information tells me that you are trying to control drag your UIButton onto another view controller, onto which you try to tie the IBAction there - that is not possible.

Adding Screenshot:

enter image description here

Please check here in storyboard:

You have changed the "Custom Class" name for the UIButton to your own button name.

Please change it back to UIButton as name for "Custom Class" Field.

See ScreenShot:

Don't do this like in the image. Change it back to UIButton. Once you have done so, you will see "Action Connection" waving "Hi" at you again upon control-Dragging to it.


1.) Click on your UIButton on your view controller in storyboard.

2.) Check the right-hand side panel (3rd tab from left) and change the "Custom Class" Field back to UIButton.

enter image description here

So it should be:

enter image description here