Top "Uikit" questions

UIKit (not to be confused with the front-end framework GetUIKit) is the object-oriented framework that is responsible for most of the iOS user interface.

UIGraphicsGetImageFromCurrentImageContext memory leak with previews

I'm trying to create previews images of pages in a PDF but I have some problems with the release of …

ios objective-c memory uikit cgcontext
Vertical flip of CGContext

I have a UIView that I am trying to render into a UIImage using [CALayer renderInContext:]. However, I find that …

iphone uikit core-graphics
iOS 11 large-title navigation bar not collapsing

The Apple guy in the What's new in Cocoa Touch WWDC video said that the new large-title navigation bar will …

ios objective-c uikit ios11
Refresh UIPageViewController - reorder pages and add new pages

I have a UIPageViewController which I am providing page data for using an implementation of UIPageControllerDelegate and UIPageControllerDataSource. It's all …

ios iphone cocoa-touch uikit uipageviewcontroller
'sizeWithFont:constrainedToSize:lineBreakMode:'is deprecated:

Converting a project from iOS5.0 to iOS7 / iOS6 on Xcode 5. The code below is giving a compile time warning: 'sizeWithFont:…

ios xcode uikit nstextview
Why shouldn't I subclass a UIButton?

I've asked a few questions on stack overflow about subclassing a UIButton, and a couple of people have informed me …

objective-c ios uibutton uikit subclass
UIStackView "Unable to simultaneously satisfy constraints" on "squished" hidden views

When my UIStackView "rows" are squished, they throw AutoLayout warnings. However, they display fine and nothing else is wrong besides …

ios autolayout uikit ios9 uistackview
Adding view on StatusBar in iPhone

Is it possible to add a UIView on the staus bar of size (320 x 20)? I don't want to hide the …

iphone uikit uiapplication
UIScreen applicationFrame returning incorrect rectangle on landscape application launch (iPhone/iPad)

Having trouble getting the correct bounds for my iPad application when launching it in landscape mode. I have the proper …

iphone cocoa-touch uikit ipad device-orientation
How to delay a CABasicAnimation?

I have a CABasicAnimation and want to start it after a delay. In UIKit I can specify delays. The CAMediaTiming …

ios uikit core-animation cabasicanimation