UIKit (not to be confused with the front-end framework GetUIKit) is the object-oriented framework that is responsible for most of the iOS user interface.
I'm trying to create previews images of pages in a PDF but I have some problems with the release of …
ios objective-c memory uikit cgcontextI have a UIView that I am trying to render into a UIImage using [CALayer renderInContext:]. However, I find that …
iphone uikit core-graphicsThe Apple guy in the What's new in Cocoa Touch WWDC video said that the new large-title navigation bar will …
ios objective-c uikit ios11I have a UIPageViewController which I am providing page data for using an implementation of UIPageControllerDelegate and UIPageControllerDataSource. It's all …
ios iphone cocoa-touch uikit uipageviewcontrollerConverting a project from iOS5.0 to iOS7 / iOS6 on Xcode 5. The code below is giving a compile time warning: 'sizeWithFont:…
ios xcode uikit nstextviewI've asked a few questions on stack overflow about subclassing a UIButton, and a couple of people have informed me …
objective-c ios uibutton uikit subclassWhen my UIStackView "rows" are squished, they throw AutoLayout warnings. However, they display fine and nothing else is wrong besides …
ios autolayout uikit ios9 uistackviewIs it possible to add a UIView on the staus bar of size (320 x 20)? I don't want to hide the …
iphone uikit uiapplicationHaving trouble getting the correct bounds for my iPad application when launching it in landscape mode. I have the proper …
iphone cocoa-touch uikit ipad device-orientationI have a CABasicAnimation and want to start it after a delay. In UIKit I can specify delays. The CAMediaTiming …
ios uikit core-animation cabasicanimation