Top "Uikit" questions

UIKit (not to be confused with the front-end framework GetUIKit) is the object-oriented framework that is responsible for most of the iOS user interface.

Swift: UISearchBar: Get text when search button clicked

I'm playing around with Swift to learn it and right now I'm having trouble getting the text from a UISearchBar …

ios swift cocoa-touch uikit uisearchbar
Could not build module UIKit

Suddenly it stops building application in device. In simulator its working but when I connect the device and try to …

ios iphone uikit xcode5
Light gray background in "bounce area" of a UITableView

Apple's iPhone apps such as Music and Contants use a search bar in a UITableView. When you scroll down so …

iphone uitableview uikit uisearchbar
iOS 9 UITableView separators insets (significant left margin)

I have a problem with separators between UITableViewCells in UITableView on iOS 9. They have the significant left margin. I already …

ios uitableview uikit xcode7 ios9
Presenting a view controller modally from an action sheet's delegate in iOS8 - iOS11

So I noticed that in iOS8 beta 3 (Update: still happens in iOS 11.2) on iPad, when attempting to present a view …

ios uikit uiactionsheet uialertcontroller
UIVIew animation - Scaling + Translating

I have a view which I want to be scaled and translated to a new location by animating it. I …

cocoa-touch uikit uiview core-animation uiviewanimation
How do I create a standard iOS Share button?

The iOS Human Interface Guidelines say: Use the system-provided Share button. Users are familiar with the meaning and behavior of …

ios cocoa-touch ios7 uikit share
UIPopover without any arrows

Is it possible to present a popover without any sort of arrows pointing somewhere?

uikit ipad uipopovercontroller
Detecting sheet was dismissed on iOS 13

Before iOS 13, presented view controllers used to cover the entire screen. And, when dismissed, the parent view controller viewDidAppear function …

ios swift uiviewcontroller uikit ios13
Pull-to-refresh in UICollectionViewController

I want to implement pull-down-to-refresh in a UICollectionViewController under iOS 6. This was easy to achieve with a UITableViewController, like so: …

ios6 uikit pull-to-refresh