Top "Uiapplication" questions

The UIApplication class provides a centralized point of control and coordination for apps running on iOS.

iOS Launching Settings -> Restrictions URL Scheme

I've recently discovered the awesome iOS5 custom Settings URL Scheme, which can be explained in detail at this great website. …

ios iphone settings url-scheme uiapplication
How to get the actual [UIScreen mainScreen] frame size?

I'm a bit annoyed. I have an app with the statusbar visible in the main window. Since I would like …

uiview frame uiapplication
how to get my UIWindow using UIApplication?

I have only one window and I tried UIWindow* mWindow = [[UIApplication sharedApplication] keyWindow]; but this returned nil. I also tried: …

iphone uiwindow uiapplication
How to get the name of the running application in iOS

If the application name under the icon on the home screen is "My Awesome App" how do you get that …

ios xcode uiapplication
-[UIApplication delegate] must be called from main thread only

This warning leads to a serious problem cause I really can't call the delegate outside of the main thread using …

ios multithreading cocoa-touch thread-safety uiapplication
Get Application's main window

UIApplication has a method keyWindow, however if an alert view is showing then this returns the window of the alert …

ios objective-c uiwindow uiapplication
Getting a reference to the UIApplication delegate

I'm writing my first iPhone application and I'm having trouble switching views. I have 2 views and a reference to each …

iphone objective-c singleton delegates uiapplication
UIApplication sharedApplication - keyWindow is nil?

I want to convert a CGPoint from my UIView to UIWindow coordinates and have realized that UIApplication keyWindow is always …

iphone objective-c uiapplicationdelegate uiapplication
Finding the rootViewController in iOS

In ShareKit, the code needs to determine where the rootViewController is so it can show a modal view. For some …

ios uiapplication
canOpenURL failing for system-wide URL schemes

I'm running iOS 9b5. In my app, if a device can make a phone call, I want to color the …

ios objective-c ios9 uiapplication