Top "Uiapplication" questions

The UIApplication class provides a centralized point of control and coordination for apps running on iOS.

Accessing the Settings app from your app in iOS 8?

Is it possible to access the settings app from your own app via a button or whatever it may be …

ios uiapplication ios8
UIApplication sharedapplication openURL not working

I have this method - (IBAction)facebookButtonPress:(id)sender { NSLog(@"fb hit"); [[UIApplication sharedApplication] openURL:[NSURL URLWithString:[@"…

ios objective-c nsurl uiapplication openurl
How to get the current application icon in ios

Is there a way to get the current application icon in a cocoa-touch app? Thank you.

ios cocoa-touch nsbundle uiapplication
openURL from App Extension

On iOS 8 beta 2 it should be possible to use openUrl from app extension as written into the release notes: however …

ios8 uiapplication openurl ios-app-extension
Objective-C iPhone - Open URL in Safari immediately and exit app

I am able to open a URL in Safari using: [[UIApplication sharedApplication] openURL:[NSURL URLWithString:@""]]; It works …

ios objective-c safari uiapplication
Proper use of UIApplicationMain

I have decided to load my views programmatically, so putting: int ret = UIApplicationMain(argc, argv, nil, nil); Would not work. …

iphone objective-c uiapplication main-method
Open Url hosted using POST method in Safari using sharedApplication openURL method

I have a situation in which I am using a POST method to host a URL in the safari browser …

iphone objective-c ios xcode uiapplication
Open Gmail app from my app

I'm trying to send an email from my app. But what I want is if user is having Gmail app …

ios uiapplication
UIApplication openUrl not working with formatted NSString

I have the following code to open google maps: NSString *urlString = [NSString stringWithFormat:@", Anchorage, …

iphone url iphone-sdk-3.0 uiapplication
iOS Handle notifications after starting app from not-running state

I've been trying to handle receiving notifications in my app, but its not really working out. When I use didReceiveLocalNotification:(…

objective-c ios uilocalnotification uiapplication