Top "Uilocalnotification" questions

Local notifications and push notifications are both ways for an iOS application that isn’t running in the foreground to let its users know it has something for them.

Displaying a stock iOS notification banner when your app is open and in the foreground?

When Apple's official iOS Messages app is open and in the foreground, new messages from other contacts trigger a stock, …

ios uikit apple-push-notifications uilocalnotification toast
Delete a particular local notification

I am developing an iPhone alarm app based on local notifications. On deleting an alarm, the related local notification should …

objective-c iphone uilocalnotification usernotifications
Ask for User Permission to Receive UILocalNotifications in iOS 8

I have set up local notifications in the App Delegate Using this: - (void)applicationDidEnterBackground:(UIApplication *)application { UILocalNotification *notification = [[UILocalNotification …

ios cocoa-touch notifications ios8 uilocalnotification
UILocalNotification is deprecated in iOS 10

It may be a question in advance but I wonder what to use instead of UILocalNotification in iOS 10. I am …

ios uilocalnotification
Getting local notifications to show while app is in foreground Swift 3

Apparently this is now possible with ios10 : optional func userNotificationCenter(_ center: UNUserNotificationCenter, willPresent notification: UNNotification, withCompletionHandler completionHandler: (UNNotificationPresentationOptions) -> …

ios swift swift3 uilocalnotification unusernotificationcenter
Add Local Notification in iOS 10 - Swift 3

So I been trying to add a notification to the new UNUserNotificationCenter, but I don't seem to get it. My …

swift swift3 uilocalnotification ios10 unusernotificationcenter
How to set Local Notification repeat interval to custom time interval?

I am making an iPhone app, which has a requirement of Local Notifications. In local notifications there is repeatInterval property …

iphone cocoa-touch ios4 uilocalnotification localnotification
Launch a local notification at a specific time in iOS

I am trying to create a timer which triggers a local notification to go off at a time that the …

ios swift time timer uilocalnotification
detect "Allow Notifications" is on/off for iOS8

I am trying to detect the Local notification settings for the App in iOS 8 for UIUserNotificationSettings, it returns me 7 as …

ios uilocalnotification ios8
Local and Push Notifications in IOS version compatible

I developed local Notifications in iOS 10. It is working perfectly. But now how should i code local notifications and push …

ios swift apple-push-notifications uilocalnotification