Top "Uilocalnotification" questions

Local notifications and push notifications are both ways for an iOS application that isn’t running in the foreground to let its users know it has something for them.

iOS Handle notifications after starting app from not-running state

I've been trying to handle receiving notifications in my app, but its not really working out. When I use didReceiveLocalNotification:(…

objective-c ios uilocalnotification uiapplication
Removing UILocalNotification from notification tray programmatically

Is there a way to programmatically remove/dismiss UILocalNotification from Notification Tray. I am able to cancel the notification which …

iphone objective-c ios uilocalnotification
How do I create and cancel unique UILocalNotification from a custom class?

Currently I have a timer with an alarm (local notification). I want to create a timer class from this code …

objective-c ios uilocalnotification
UILocalNotification custom sound

I have been searching for a solution for hours.. with absolutely zero luck. I set up a Local Notification: UILocalNotification *…

iphone ios4 nsbundle audio uilocalnotification
Schedule number of Local Notifications

I am making an iPhone application in which I have implemented the concept of local notification to alert the user …

ios cocoa-touch uilocalnotification
iOS UILocalNotification - No delegate methods triggered when app is running in background and the icon is clicked upon notification

iPhone version - 5.1 (9B176) Below is the series of events during Local Notification where in which didFinishLaunchingWithOptions method is not …

iphone ios5 notifications uilocalnotification localnotification
UILocalNotification is supposed to repeat every weekday, but fires on weekends as well

I have a UILocalNotification that is supposed to fire once a day, Monday through Friday, but not on the weekend. …

ios ios5 uilocalnotification
Using @available with stored properties

I have an app that uses local notifications and supports iOS 10. I am trying to add iOS 9 support which requires …

ios swift uilocalnotification
Custom repeat interval for UILocalNotification

I tried the Re.minder app and noticed that it can repeat reminders with custom intervals (such as every 3 minutes, …

ios uilocalnotification
Changes to registerUserNotificationSettings in Swift 2?

I can't seem to find any documentation on registerUserNotificationSettings beyond what was produced last November (here), but my old code …

swift uilocalnotification swift2