Top "Uilocalnotification" questions

Local notifications and push notifications are both ways for an iOS application that isn’t running in the foreground to let its users know it has something for them.

ask user for permission to show alert when firing local notification

I want to show an alert when the local notification is fired, but for that I have to ask for …

ios xcode alert uialertview uilocalnotification
How To Use UILocalNotification In Swift

I am trying to figure out how to setup a UILocalNotification in swift but I am not having a lot …

ios swift uilocalnotification
Local Notification in background

Can anyone please tell me how to get a UILocalNotification while my app is in the background. I am posting …

iphone ios objective-c notifications uilocalnotification
Local notification on application termination

I am working on an application which will not work if terminated. It has some background tasks. I want to …

iphone uilocalnotification uiapplicationdelegate
Determining if UILocalNotification fired with app in foreground or background

When receiving a UILocalNotification The method application:DidReceiveLocalNotification is called when the app is in Foreground. When the app is …

iphone objective-c ios4 uikit uilocalnotification
Do Local Notifications need user permission on iOS?

I am using UILocalNotification in my app to schedule notifications. The notifications work fine and show up when I want …

swift notifications local uilocalnotification
UILocalNotification isn't working at all

I'm having some really irritating problems with UILocalNotification. While finishing up an app that I've nearly completed, I noticed that …

ios objective-c xcode uilocalnotification
UILocalNotification custom sound is not playing in iOS7

I'm using UILocalNotification in an application. In the application there are two sounds which are played conditionally- I have applied …

iphone ios audio ios7 uilocalnotification
Clear Application's badge Number

I have made local notification in iphone app. And set icon badge number. All works good. But if i have …

iphone ios uilocalnotification badge tray
local notification "didReceiveLocalNotification" calls twice

I am handling local notifications using: - (void)application:(UIApplication *)app didReceiveLocalNotification:(UILocalNotification *)notif And to schedule a local notification: …

iphone ios notifications uilocalnotification