Top "Tray" questions

The tag "tray" refers mostly to the GUI system notification area (called system tray) and rarely to the disc tray of an optical disc drive.

Embed youtube playlist with side list tray

I've been playing with the youtube embed playlist functionality with javascript. So far when I embed a playlist it looks …

youtube embed playlist tray
Quick and easy: trayicon with python?

I'd just need a quick example on how to easily put an icon with python on my systray. This means: …

python wxpython pyqt systray tray
How to add application icon in notification tray?

I understand that it's possible. At least I see that various applications used to put in notification tray their icons (…

android notifications tray
java TrayIcon using image with transparent background

I am using the following code to set a tray icon in Windows and Linux. It works wonderful in Windows …

java linux panel gnome tray
Printing with advanced options (tray selection, duplex, staple)

We have a project of managing printing documents. At first I wonder why printing options couldn't be set up in …

.net printing duplex office-automation tray
Clear Application's badge Number

I have made local notification in iphone app. And set icon badge number. All works good. But if i have …

iphone ios uilocalnotification badge tray
Detect if Windows closing or application tries to close from system menu (WM_CLOSE)

I'm having Tray application. Onj FormCloseQuery I check if program should goto tray and instead of closing it I put …

delphi tray
Tkinter: How to make a system tray application?

i have a small application. I want my target users(windows,linux) to be able to start and exit the …

python user-interface system tkinter tray
WPF ContextMenu for tray icon

I'm having a WPF application which I can minimize to tray. When I normal-click it, the window shows again. Now …

c# wpf contextmenu tray